Q1. what is the difference between inline, inline-block, and block level elements?
Ans - The major difference is these -
Block Level Elements - bock level elements always begin with the new line. it takes entire available width on the display
Inline Level Elements - inline Level elements don't start with the new line. and it doesn't takes the entire available width on display.
Inline-Block Level Elements - inline-block elements allow to set width and height
Q.2 What is the z-index in CSS?
ans - z-index property specifies the stack order of an HTML element
it works on positioned elements such as relative, absolute, sticky, fixed
Q3. What is the media query in CSS?
Ans - media Query is all about the responsiveness of a website. it means how a website look on multiple devices. it consists of the media type and specific device width. in the world, we have different devices so media query responsible for handling all devices breakpoints