HTML Basics · The Question is Q1. what is HTML ? HTML- 1 . In Simple Words HTML Is The Base Of Making Web Page . HTML Is The Structural Language Of...
There are lots of Fonts in CSS but hardly we are using some fonts · All CSS Fonts Family:-(1) Font-size. (2)Font-weight. (3)Font-family. (4)...
Currying is a function that takes one argument at a time and returns a new function expecting the next argument. It is a conversion. Basically...
Ans - The major difference is these - Block Level Elements - bock level elements always begin with the new line. it takes entire available width on...
CSS · Q 1 What is the Box Model in CSS? Ans - The Whole Content of HTML goes in the form of a square. It consists of padding, margin, border, and the...
We must know about the Browsers before learning JavaScript Browsers are mediators to get information and resources over the internet and HTML and CSS...